
The material presented herein has been meticulously prepared by Data World 1, LLC and serves as general background information regarding the activities of Data World 1, LLC, current as of the date of this presentation. This information is provided in a concise form and should not be construed as exhaustive. The content of this presentation, inclusive of forecast financial information, is not intended as advice or a recommendation to investors or potential investors regarding the acquisition, holding, or divestment of securities or other financial products or instruments. It does not factor in your specific investment objectives, financial situation, or needs. Prior to making any decisions based on this information, it is imperative that you assess the suitability of the information in light of your circumstances, any pertinent offering document, and, notably, seek independent financial counsel. All transactions involving securities and financial products or instruments carry inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of unforeseen market, financial, or political developments, and, in the context of international transactions, currency fluctuations.​

This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell any security. It may contain forward-looking statements, including projections of our intentions, beliefs, or current expectations concerning the businesses and operations of Data World 1, LLC, market conditions, operational results, financial standing, capital adequacy, specific provisions, and risk management practices. It is imperative for readers to exercise caution and avoid placing undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Data World 1, LLC does not commit to publicly disclose any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this presentation, nor to account for unforeseen events. Despite the diligent preparation of forecast information, actual results may materially deviate in either a positive or negative direction. Forecasts and hypothetical scenarios are subject to uncertainties and contingencies beyond the control of Data World 1, LLC​